COCRS Searching Tips

Here are some basic tips to search the COCRS system to find property details to place an order

If you're having difficulty finding a specific property, it's important to note that property information on different websites may not always match exactly. These small discrepancies can result in searches not yielding the desired results. However, there are some helpful tips you can use to quickly locate the property you're looking for.

Identifying Numbers

There are various types of identifying numbers that can be used to search for properties across the country. These include parcel numbers, account numbers, geographic IDs, PINs, schedules, and more. We store up to three of these numbers for each property, as they are used in individual counties. When you search for a property, our search fields will automatically look for matching numbers in any of the three fields. The titles for these numbers will be displayed when you view the property details.

Owner IDs and similar identifying numbers associated with owner accounts are not used in property searches. Therefore, using these numbers may not provide relevant results when searching for a specific property. It is important to utilize other identifying numbers, such as parcel numbers or account numbers, which are specifically tied to the properties in question.


When searching in the owner field, property records are typically organized in the format of last name followed by first name. However, this is not always the case. Our system automatically searches for matches in both formats to ensure that all possible results are displayed. 

It is important to note that the data we use is typically from the most recent tax year, which is usually the previous year and not the current year. As a result, owner names may not be updated until the new tax data (tax roll) is released.

Shorten Last Name

A helpful tip for searching by owner name is to use a shortened version of the last name. This can be due to potential differences in spelling or formatting. For example, instead of searching for "Andersen," you can try searching for "Anderson." Similarly, instead of "De Beers," you can try searching for "DeBeers." This can be particularly useful when there are data entry issues.

Add First Name or Initial

If you are searching for a property and there are too many matches, you can add the first name or initial to narrow down the results. For example, if you are looking for an owner named "John Smith," you can modify the search by entering the last name as "Smith" and adding the initial "J." This will help limit the number of results and make it easier to find the specific property you are looking for.

Address Searches

Address and street name discrepancies are frequently encountered. This is due to variations in spacing, abbreviations, and standards among different counties or sources. 

Street Types

To increase the chances of finding matches, it is recommended to exclude the street type while conducting initial searches. After the matches are displayed, the street type can be added accordingly.

Street Directionals (N, S, E, W)

These directional indicators (N, S, E, W) can be placed at the end, the beginning, or omitted altogether depending on local standards. To obtain accurate search results, it is recommended to initially exclude the directional indicator and observe the displayed matches. This will help determine the local standard used for addressing. The results should provide similar matches, making the local standard apparent.

Street Numbers

To narrow down search results or find an exact match when there are variations, directionals, and types of streets, it is helpful to match against the street number. For example, if you are looking for the address "451 Maple Ln," you can simply enter the search with a street number of "451" and a street name of "Maple" to find the match. Whether the county uses "Ln" or "Lane" as the street type, the search will still result in a match. This method helps limit the number of results and makes it easier to find the specific property you are looking for.